Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 1: 30 and getting dumber

I am not your typical medical student and therefore my experiences leading up to this experience and during are quite different than your average early 20's med student. I am married, going on 6 years, and have two kids, Ryan~4 and Jackson 1 1/2, all of which make life challenging and rewarding at the same time. To top it all off I turned 30 on the first day of classes. 

I remember sitting down and looking around at the room wondering if this was really happening. I quickly snapped out of the wonderment stage and into the "oh crap! Is this really what I wanted???!" stage as they began talking about how quickly the material would come, but that we would all do fantastic as the mind is able to learn and adapt up until the age of 30. At that point your mental ability to learn new things starts to drop. Great I thought. Nothing like turning 30 the day you start med school and then hearing you are going to have a hard time due to your age. Age is relevant though. At least that's what I kept telling myself the rest of the day and for that matter the rest of the semester. I have to admit that my body is starting to get old. I have white whiskers in my beard these days, my hair line is receding and thinning all at once, and I am getting fatter by the day. 

December, that seems so far away at this point. I mean it is still July. Albeit the end of July, but still July. oh well. It's too late to turn back now. I better get caught up.........they are already talking about the spinal cord and autonomic innervations.